MEP Sajjad Karim Calls for Linking Trade With India To Human Rights in Kashmir

Ambassador Hashmi Stresses Enhancing Efforts in the Wake of UN Report.

The Prime Minister of Azad Jammu and Kashmir Raja Farooq Haider Khan has called upon International Community to help people of Kashmir attain their right to self-determination as envisaged in the UN Resolutions.  He said that right to self-determination has been deemed as mother of all other human rights and has remained instrumental in conflict resolution in various parts of world after Second World War.

He was addressing a conference held in connection with 11th Kashmir – EU week taking place in Brussels from 5th to 8th November. The conference took place in the European Parliament with two sessions entitled ‘Witness’ and ‘Conditions for a Lasting Peace’, here today. The sessions were Chaired by MEP Sajjad Karim and MEP Wajid Khan respectively.  The speakers included Pakistan’s Ambassador to Belgium, the European Union and Luxembourg Mrs Naghmana Alamgir Hashmi, Chairman Kashmir Council – EU Mr Ali Raza Syed, leader from Indian occupied Kashmir Mr Khurram Parvez and was attended by large number of Pakistani and Kashmiri diaspora from Belgium, London and Canada as well as people of various nationalities residing in Belgium.

Prime Minister Raja Farooq Haider gave an elaborate account of ever growing atrocities being committed by the Indian Forces of Occupation and Human Rights violations in IoK for the last 70 years. He further said that India was changing demography in the areas under its occupation which was alarming. He stressed upon countries of European Union to play their role for helping international investigators access to Indian Occupied Kashmir.

In his remarks , MEP Sajjad Karim said that at a time when international economic and trade  agreements were being reviewed around the world,  it should be taken into account that trade with India must be linked to Human Rights situation in Indian Occupied Kashmir . He praised the Government of Pakistan for unflinching support to the just cause of People of Kashmir over the past 7 decades.

MEP Wajid Khan informed the meeting that as a member of Human Rights Committee of the European Parliament he has arranged the first ever hearing of the Kashmiris in the Committee in January 2019. He drew attention to the alarming situation in Kashmir where international Human Rights Organizations like Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch were being blocked from working in Indian occupied Kashmir.

Pakistan’s Ambassador to Belgium, the European Union and Luxembourg Mrs Naghmana Alamgir Hashmi appreciated the efforts of Kashmir Council – Europe for playing an active role in highlighting the issue of Kashmir in the European Union. She said in the wake of publication  of  report of  the Office of the UN High Commissioner on Human Rights, which is a land mark development , there was a need to enhance efforts on all the forums .  She said that Kashmir remains the most important issue for Pakistan and the country will continue to render political, moral and diplomatic support to the just cause of Kashmir.

Kashmiri leader Khurram Pervez highlighted the efforts of his organization in compilation of UN report. Earlier Chairman Kashmir Council- EU Ali Raza Syed introduced the Kashmir – EU  Week and gave an overview of the Human Rights situation in Indian Occupied Kashmir .

The Kashmir – EU week 2018 has been launched in Brussels. The Week is being organized by the Kashmir Council – EU and hosted by MEPs Wajid Khan and Sajjad Karim. Various events will be organized in this connection from 5th to 16th November mainly in the European Parliament both in Brussels as well as Strasbourg., under the theme ‘Living the Legacy of Partition : the Search for Lasting Peace’.  Prime Minister of Azad Jammu and Kashmir Raja Muhammad Farooq Haider Khan has arrived in Brussels to participate in the events to be held in this connection.


Prime Minister Azad Jammu and Kashmir Raja Farooq Haider Khan addressing the conference held at the EU parliament in connection with 11th Kashmir – EU Week Brussels 6.11.2018

Participants of the conference held at the EU parliament in connection with 11th Kashmir – EU week Brussels 6.11.2018